Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
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User Manual
Modbus Slave / Modbus TCP Master - Converter
Document code: MN674-A003_ENG Revision 1.000 Page 15 of 30
This section define the fundamental communication parameters of two buses, Modbus TCP
Slave and Modbus Master.
By Pressing the “
Set Communication
” button from the main window of SW674-A003
(Fig. 2) the window “Set Communication” appears (Fig. 3).
The meaning of the fields of “Operation Mode” are:
In the field “
Operation Mode
” the operating mode of the converter is defined:
Normal Mode (with Translate Table)
: the converter can be seen like a
single serial Modbus slave. The address of Modbus is assigned in the “Set
Communication” section.
Routing Slave Address
: the converter can be seen like more than one
serial Modbus slave. Each serial Modbus slave is a row of the table and it is
possible to assign to which TCP device is linked.
Work with Fix IP Address
: the converter can be seen like a single serial
Modbus slave. The address of Modbus is assigned in the “Set
Communication” section. It is not necessary to compile the Translate Table:
every request that arrives on serial is transferred on TCP (using TCP format
of frame) to the slave with the IP address defined in the “Set
Communication” section.
The means of the fields for the “Modbus Slave” section are:
In the field “
” the serial lien to use for Modbus communication is defined;
In the field “
” the baudrate for the serial line is defined;
In the field “
” the parity of the serial line is defined;
In the field “
Stop Bits
” the number of Stop Bits is defined;
In the field “
ID Device
” the address of serial Modbus device is defined. This field
can be compiled only if the selected “Operation Mode” is “Normal Mode (with
Translate Table)” or “Work with Fix IP Address”;
If the option “
No Modbus Exception on TCP TimeOut
” is checked, the converter does not send any exception code in case of
missing response from Modbus TCP side. Otherwise, it sends the exception code 0x36.
Figure 3: “Set Communication” window