2) Mount the inductor with double sided foam tape.
Cut a ½" x ½" piece of double sided foam tape, remove the backing from one side and press it on to
the flat side of the inductor. Remove the backing from the other side of this piece of tape and fasten
the inductor to the enclosure surface as shown in Drawing 3.
Two of the inductor leads are marked
with a dot. These leads should be positioned toward the left and right sides of the enclosure.
inductor is not polarized so it does not matter which dot is on the left or the right).
When in the
proper position, press down on the inductor to insure that it is firmly attached to the base.
3) Strip and tin a 1" piece of wire and connect terminal #21 to the marked inductor lead on the right
side of the enclosure.
(Leave space for 3 more leads to be connected to terminal #21).
4) Strip and tin another 1" piece of wire and connect terminal #20 to the marked inductor lead on
the left side of the enclosure.
Tip: The best way to connect to the inductor leads is to make a U-shaped bend in one end of the
wire and crimp it around the terminal with needle nose pliers.
5) Connect the 33K resistor to terminals #20 and #21.
6) Connect the 4.7
F cap and 100K resistor to terminals #19 and #21.
Make sure the (-) negative
end of the capacitor goes to terminal #19.
7) Connect the 68K resistor to terminals #17 and #18.
negative end
8) Connect a .01
F cap to terminals #2 and #15.
9) Connect the 1.5K resistor to terminals #3 and #15.
10) Connect the remaining .01
F cap to terminals #3 and #7.
lower holes
11) Connect a 470K resistor to terminal #6 and insert the other end through
the lower hole of terminal #12.
Do NOT solder
at terminal #12, yet.
the lower hole of terminal #12 to allow for more room to connect 4 more
components to this terminal).
12) Connect the remaining 470K resistor to terminal #10 and insert the other end through the lower
hole of terminal #12.
Now, solder
the lower hole connections at terminal #12.
13) Connect the 1K resistor to terminals #5 and #11.
14) Connect the 10K resistor to terminals #7 and #8.
15) Connect the 22K resistor to terminals #11 and #12.
16) Connect the 270 Ω resistor to terminals #14 and #16.
17) Connect the remaining .22
F cap to terminals #4 and #12.
Mount this capacitors upside-down with the insulated top end touching the enclosure surface.