lower terminal holes
Connect the volume pot and input jack components:
1) Connect a 3" piece of white wire from the volume pot’s cold lug to the input jack’s sleeve lug, but
do not
solder at the sleeve lug, yet.
2) Connect a 1 ½" piece of white wire from the volume pot’s hot lug to turbo switch lug 1.
3) Connect a 2 ½" piece of white wire from the volume pot’s wiper lug to V1 tube socket’s pin 7.
Solder all
connections, now.
4) Connect one end of the 1MΩ resistor to both the “sleeve” and “shunt” lugs of the input jack. Connect the
other end to the input jack’s “tip” lug, but
do not solder at the “tip” lug, yet.
5) Connect the 33kΩ resistor from the input jack’s “tip” lug to V1 tube socket’s pin 2.
Connect T4 and V1 components:
5) Connect a 100kΩ resistor from T4(5) to T4(4).
7) Connect a 22µF cap with the negative (-) end to T4(1) and positive (+) end to T4(3).
8) Connect a 1.5kΩ resistor from T4(1) to T4(3).
6) Connect the remaining .047 µF cap from T4(5) to turbo switch lug 2.
1) Connect a 2 ¼” piece of white wire from T4(5) to V1 pin 1.
Consider using the lower terminal hole.
2) Connect a 2 ½” piece of white wire from T4(3) to V1 pin 3.
Consider using the
lower terminal hole.
3) Connect a 5 ½” piece of white wire from T2(2) to T4(4),
but do not solder at T4,
Consider using the lower terminal hole.
4) Connect a 3 ½” piece of white wire from T4(4) to T6(5). Now, solder at T4(4), but
do not solder at T6(5),
Consider using the lower terminal hole.
Connect T5 and V1 components:
1) Connect a 2” piece of white wire from T6(5) to T5(2). Solder both connections.
Consider using the lower
terminal hole.
2) Connect a 2” piece of white wire from T5(1) to T5(5).
Consider using the lower terminal hole.
3) Connect a 1 ½” piece of white wire from T5(3) to V1 pin 6.
4) Connect the remaining 22µF cap with the negative (-) end to T5(5) and positive (+) end to
V1 pin 8, but
do not solder at pin 8, yet.
5) Connect the remaining 1.5kΩ resistor from T5(5) to V1 pin 8. Now, solder all connections.
6) Connect the remaining 100kΩ resistor from T5(2) to T5(3).