L306 Hardware Design
Copyright © Shanghai Mobiletek Communication Ltd 26
digital voice signals. L306 only acts as a master device. PCM sync, PCM CLK are as output pins and
PCM sync output 16kHz synchronization signals, the PCM data support 8-bit or 16 bit data format.
We recommended codec chip is NAU8814YG. The codec chip crystal default use 1.8V power supply,
12M output active crystal. The power control pin of the PCM uses the PIN45 by default. And
NAU8814YG connected circuit from the device is shown in figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 NAU8814YG peripheral Circuit
L306 as Main device
3.5 IIC Interface
L306 module does not have a dedicated IIC interface. if you need to use the IIC interface for
communication, you should use the GPIO port to simulate the IIC interface, and it is recommended to
use an external pull-up resistor of 4.7K by VIO18.