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(208) 720-6315 OI V5
It is important to turn off the head unit and then toggle OFF
the round upper switch (in that order) after every use to
preserve battery life.
You are almost ready to ROCK! You just need to set up the
external/ separate EQ unit.
EQ Unit Initial Set up
The front of the EQ has (3) areas that can be adjusted for
finer music playback sound quality control (FIGURE15).
The fader dial should be
set in the vertical position-
12:00 o
clock and the CD
button in the “in” position.
VOLUME- Set this dial to
the 12:00 o
clock position
and NEVER adjust this dial
again. The next (4) dials
all for your 6x9
s. Set all of these dials to the 12:00 o
position initially. Make minor adjustments for your personal
listening preference depending on the music style and sound
recording quality of your sound device and music recordings.
The last (2) dials on the right are the
critical. These are
for the subwoofer. Set the SUB X OVER to 30hz and the
SUB VOL. to the 11:00 o
clock position. The sub volume dial
will most likely be the dial you will adjust the most. The
position of this dial as suggested covers most music types
through moderate volume playback levels. However, the
demanding BASS of modern sound recordings can
necessitate a lower/less sub volume setting as your playback
volume increases.
These settings have been set initially by us at the factory.
Now you are ready to play the provided demo CD, insert
your own CD or use your own input device. Enjoy!
2. Components Operation
Head unit, primary speakers (subwoofer & 6x9
s,120v charger,
equalizer, amplifier etc. all have their respective operating instructions
included in this Owners packet. Follow manufacturer
s instructions for
proper operation of each component.
Each user has their own sound quality/play back preferences, we
however suggest starting with our suggested settings, and then you
can learn the multitude of finer adjustments. The most likely unpleasant
and possibly damaging performance can result due too playing music
with too much bass, too loudly. Bass signals vary greatly due to
recording levels, and different types of music. We cannot warrant
against excessive playback volumes nor excessive bass play.
Playback devices such as ipod™, iphones™, mp3 players should have
their equalizers set at a neutral setting; our recommendation is on
“classical” setting then the equalizer on your Blastmaster XL for finer
adjustments. You can always call us for a personal discussion of
sound performance adjustments. We also suggest setting your music
MP3/laptop etc. output device to the “sound check” feature to balance
playback levels.
Our preference is to adjust settings for each song like a DJ, and to
make playlists that have similar sound output levels.
The best sound quality is from a direct line in which is the USB cord,
next best is 3.5mm headphone jack and Bluetooth™ (these both have
about 10-15% less sound quality.) For these output devices; set the
volume level on the output device to 7/8. If you have it at full 100%
volume level on the output device this will be a distorted signal.
Start slowly when increasing the volume dial and avoid rapid volume
increases. Work your way up to desired sound output levels, adjust
sound quality options, become informed on component use to protect
the equipment and to achieve optimum sound quality!
Any use that is done that is not within the manufacture
s instructions is
deemed an occurrence that not only puts you and your equipment at
risk but will void any and all warranties.
3. Top of Unit- Alcoves
The recessed areas of the top of the
Blastmaster XL are provided for
temporary storage areas for items
such as: mp3 players, mobile
phones, beverages, keys etc. Your
items are not intended to be left in
these areas during transport as your
items may be damaged, lost or your
beverages spilled (FIGURE 16).
4. Sides/ Bottom of Unit
There are recessed spring activated
lever handles. These handles are to
assist with the partial lifting, and the
jockeying around of the unit for
transportation (FIGURE 17). These
handles are
intended to be the
sole lifting points rather they are
assisting lift points/locations.
The side of the unit -(right side) that has the bottle opener was placed
here to avoid conflict with the steering end of the Blastmaster XL. The
opposite side (front left side) with the steering assembly protruding
beyond the footprint of the Blastmaster XL poses a trip hazard. Use
caution around this protrusion to avoid injury. A clear vinyl sleeve is
placed on the handle shaft to minimize abrasion to the cabinet box.