19 July 2007
7 OF 10
091-0589 Rev. A
Welding Supplement
Sheet P/N: 091-0589 Rev. A
6. Reed Switch Adjustment:
Adjusting the reed switch position may be necessary to
properly align the rotor within the weldhead. When the
weldhead is in the “home” position, the rotor should be
centered on its race. In order to align the rotor, the motor
block needs to be connected to the base housing and both
the reed switch and the motor will need to be electrically
connected to the small circuit board within the handle of
the weldhead. Also, the weldhead electrical cable needs
to be connected to an MK Products power supply, so the
head can “jog” and “home.”
The machine should be used
in “Test Mode” during this process, for safety reasons.
Start by securing the reed switch with the clamp. Tighten
the clamp enough so the switch does not move freely. With
the weldhead connected, “jog” the rotor a short distance,
then press “home” When the rotor stops at “home”, look
at each end of the rotor. If the rotor is positioned properly,
there will be the same amount of the white race material
extending from each end of the rotor. If there is more race
material at one end than the other, you can make
adjustments to the position of the reed switch to correct
this. Press and release “jog” and then “home” to check if
the process should be repeated.
Some trial and error may be required to achieve the
desired results.
When the reed switch is in its desired location, secure the
clamp screw tightly, making sure the reed switch does not
move. Use a small amount of GE RTV 108 Silicone Ad-
hesive MK #823-0042 to secure the clamp in place and
prevent the clamp screw from backing out. Disconnect the
motor and reed switch from the weldhead circuit board,
and proceed with reassembly. (Figure F)
Figure F
Figure E
5. Position the top end of the reed switch over the small
round magnet pressed into the rotor. The top of the reed
switch should not overlap more than ½ of the magnet
diameter and should not be positioned entirely below the
magnet. (Figure E)