Holmstrupgårdvej 250, DK8210 Århus V
CE Declaration of Conformity
CE Declaration of Conformity
MJ Autosadelmager
Holmstrupvej 250
8210 Århus V
Hereby declares that MJ-Easytravel belt is manufactured in accordance with
Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the Parliament and the Council of 9. march 2016 on
personal protective equipment cat. II.
MJ-Easytravel belt is designed for positioning of PWD that causes uncontrolled
movements, or for active persons who run the risk of leaving the seat in a vehicle, -the
standard safety belt which may cause a risk of falling or ejection during transport.
Furthermore, the product is subject to the following standards and circulars
DS/EN 12182:2012
Assistive products for persons with disability. General requirements
and test methods.
ISO 13688:2013. Protective Clothing – General requirements.
EN 13210:2004. Childcare articles. Children´s safety harnesses reins, and similar type
articles. Safety requirements and test methods.
EN 365 General requirements for the use, maintenance, periodic inspection, repair,
marking and packaging.
Danish Working Environment Authority,
Bek. No 210 of 14/03/2018, about Personal
protection and safety.
DK8210 Århus V, date 19.07.2020.
Morten Jespersen