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6.4.2 Positive Drive
The Positive Drive output supplies power to FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i accessories.
This output is controlled by the FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i and is configured under Mobile
Device Template in MiX Fleet Manager.
Access to this output is via any FM300 harness or Cable.
Do NOT connect an external voltage to the positive drive line.
Refer to the “FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i Specifications” section of this document.
The maximum current that the positive drive control of the abovementioned products can handle is between
– 880 mA as a result of temperature differences. The circuit is protected against over current and voltage.
Should a peripheral device (e.g. MiX Rovi, Mix Display, etc.) draw more than 800 mA at any stage, it is
advisable to make use of an alternative relay to ensure reliable functionality.
Below is a functional block diagram that describes how to wire such a device.
Positive drive alternative load control:
6.5 Serial Communication
The FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i is equipped with one TTL (S1) and one RS232 (S3) external serial port.
The FM300 Serial Cable is required to connect to these ports.
S2 is internally connected to the internal GSM engine.
Please refer to the “Specifications” section, of this document, and the FM300 Serial Cable documentation for
more details.
6.6 Loading Device Drivers
The FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i is supplied with the Operating System, the latest market accepted set of
device drivers (at time of manufacture), and a basic configuration (set for minimum default logging) loaded.
Before the unit can be configured, ensure that the latest version of FM 3617i/FM 3717i/FM 3817i Device
Drivers required for the task is loaded. The latest Device Drivers are contained in the latest version of the FM
Dealer Utility, which can be downloaded from extranet.mixtelematics.com.