4) Settlement -of-accounts term setting
Set the settlement-of-accounts term (start day and end
day) at the remedial apportioning setting screen. The
initial value is the settlement-of-accounts term of the
previous month.
5) Total air-conditioning charge setting
Set the total air-conditioning charge for the settlement-
of-accounts term.
6) Include/Not include standard charge setting
When the settlement-of-accounts term is one month, [Include] or [Not include] standard charge can
be selected. Set whether or not the standard charge is to be included.
7) Remedial interval setting
Set the remedial apportioning interval. The remedial start day is the failure generation day and the
remedial end day is the recovery day.
8) Watt hour met er integrated value setting
The value at 24:00 of the day before the failure day (value for 00:00 of the failure day) is displayed at
the watt hour meter integrated value of each watt hour meter.
Failure cause: watt hour meter transmission line open (When watt hour meter counts normally.)
The watt hour meter integrated value does not have to be corrected.
Failure cause: watt hour meter failure or CT failure (When watt hour meter does not count normally)
Only the watt hour meter integrated value of the failed watt hour meter must be corrected. Refer to
the watt hour meter integrated value for the week before the failure and study the electric power
consumption for the remedial interval.
Examples 1 and 2 study the power consumption for the three days from the failure day (00:00) to
the day after recovery (00:00) and calculate the power integrated value for 00:00 of the failure day
(24:00 of the day before the failure day), with the integrated value for the day after recovery as the
The power integrat ed value is corrected to the calculated value for 00:00 of the failure day.
Ex. 1) Remedial interval power consumption study (Remedial interval = 3 days)
(00:00 value) Units: kWh
• When the settlement -of-accounts term is one
month and includes a standard charge, set the
total air-conditioning charge including this
standard charge.
• When there is one power charge, the total
air-conditioning charge does not have to be set.
This item appears in gray.
• “Recovery day” is the day watt hour meter monitoring was recovered and is the day that
normal operation was started.
• When the day before the remedial start day was not charge apportioned normally, change the
remedial start day to the day after the day normally charged before the failure day.
7 days
6 d a y s
b e f o r e
5 days
b e f o r e
4 days
b e f o r e
3 days
2 days
b e f o r e
1 day
F a i l u r e
d a y
Day after
Integrate d
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 1 0
5 0
6 2 0
7 8 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
9 5 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
9 0
1 2 0
1 6 0
2 0
1 0 0
3 0 0
* The average day’s power consumption and remedial interval power consumption are assumed to be 100kWh and
300kWh , respectively.
T h e p o w e r i n t e g r a t e d v a l u e i s s e t a t “ 9 5 0 -3 0 0 = 6 5 0 ” k W h .
Remedial apportioning setting window