3 Controller
External input/output 3-42
3.4 External input/output
3.4.1 Types
(1) Dedicated input/output...............................These inputs and outputs carry out the robot remote operation and
status display.
(2) General-purpose input/output.................These are inputs and outputs that the customer can program for
peripheral device control. Moreover, it is possible to use parallel input/
output units and input/output signals via CC-Link.
(3) Hand input/output .........................................These are inputs and outputs related to the hand that the customer can
program. (The hand output is an option. The
is required.)
3.4.2 Explanation
The parallel input/output unit uses connector bridging. Purchase the "External I/O cable" for connection with
external devices.
The hand output is an option. Refer to
Page 54, "(2) Pneumatic hand interface"
for details
The parallel input/output unit can be expanded outside of the controller.
The expansion parallel input/output unit is connected with the control unit in the controller using a robot I/O link
cable. Parallel input and output units can be expand as an option to seven maximums. With allows up to input 240
points and output 240 points of maximums can be used including 16 points input and 16 points output of standard.
Page 61, "(5) Parallel I/O unit"
for details on the parallel input/output unit.
No. of input/output points
Standard Emergency stop
Standard Door switch
Standard Parallel input/output
Occupies 16 general-purpose points/(6)
dedicated points in general-purpose
Occupies 16 general-purpose points/(4)
dedicated points in general-purpose