Do not use or store the product in a place subject to direct sunlight or near a heating device, such as a stove. And do
not use or store the product near equipment generating a strong magnetic field or radio waves. Doing so may cause
malfunction, heat generation, fault, or damage.
Do not use or store this product in the presence of chemicals.
Do not use this product in extremely humid or dusty locations. It is extremely dangerous to use this product in
locations where water, other fluid, or conductive dust may enter the interior of the unit. To use this product in such
an environment, install it in a dust-proof control panel, for example.
If you notice abnormal odor or
overheating, please disconnect the power cable immediately.
If you find a fault or other abnormality (bad smell or excessive heat), unplug the power terminal connector and then
contact the distributor.
Do not open the product casing. Mitsubishi will disclaim any responsibility for products whose casing has been opened.
Do not modify the product. Mitsubishi will bear no responsibility for any problems, etc., resulting from modifying the
To clean this product, gently wipe it with a soft cloth soaked with water or a neutral detergent. Do not use benzene,
paint thinner, or other volatile solvents as they can cause the coating to discolor or peel off.
The specifications of this product are subject to change without notice because of function addition and quality
Even when using the product continuously, read the user's manual and check the contents.
If you move or transfer the product, make sure provide this manual with the product.
Regardless of the foregoing statements, Mitsubishi is not liable for any damages whatsoever (including damages for
loss of business profits) arising out of the use or inability to use this Mitsubishi product or the information contained
FCC PART15 class A Notice
This equipm en t h as been test ed an d found to com ply with t he lim it s for a Cla ss A digital device,
pu rsu an t t o pa rt 15 of th e FCC Rules. Th ese lim it s a re design ed to provide rea sona ble protection
again st h arm ful int er ference wh en the equipm en t is oper ated in com m ercia l envir onm ent .
This equipm en t generat es, u ses, an d ca n r adia te ra dio frequ en cy energy an d, if not in sta lled an d
used in a ccordan ce with t he in str uction m an u al, m ay cau se h ar mfu l inter feren ce t o ra dio
com m unications. Opera tion of t his equipment in a resident ial area is likely to ca use h a rmfu l
in t erference at h is own expen se.
Cha nge or m odifica tion s n ot expressly a ppr oved t he m anu fa ct urer can void t he user 's a u thority to
opera te th is equ ipment .
Содержание NZ2EHF-T8
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