Be Careful of Burns
Do Not Touch the Engine Dur-
ing or Immediately After Opera-
To avoid burns, do not touch the
engine during or immediately after
A hot engine can cause burns.
To conduct maintenance and inspec-
tion work, wait until the engine has cooled sufficiently
by checking the temperature gauge.
Refill Coolant Only After the
Coolant Temperature Dropped
When adding coolant, check that the coolant tempera-
ture lowers sufficiently with temperature gauge. Add-
ing coolant immediately after the engine stops may
result in burns.
Be careful of burns when
changing oil
Wear gloves when draining oil or changing oil filters. If
hot oil or parts touch your skin, it may cause burns.
Never Remove Heat Shields
The inlet and exhaust system, which becomes
extremely hot while the engine is operating, is pro-
vided with various heat shields. Do not remove these
heat shields. If any of these heat shields have been
removed owing to unavoidable circumstances during
the work, be sure to restore them after the work is
Be Careful of Opening and
Closing Radiator Cap
Never open the radiator cap while the engine is run-
ning or immediately after the engine is stopped. To
open the cap, stop the engine and allow the coolant
temperature to lower sufficiently.
To open the radiator cap, open slowly to discharge the
pressure inside the tank. Also to avoid a risk of getting
scalded by steam, wear thick rubber gloves or wrap a
cloth around the cap.
When closing the radiator cap, be sure to tighten
The coolant is hot while engine is running and immedi-
ately after the engine stops. If the cap is opened when
the coolant is at operating temperature, steam and hot
coolant may blow out and result in burns.
Do Not Touch High Pressure
Injection Fuel
If fuel leaks or sprays out from the high pressure injec-
tion pipe, do not touch the fuel.
Fuel in the fuel injection pipes is under high pressure
and if the fuel contact your skin, it goes into deep tis-
sues and may result gangrene.