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Содержание Mr.Slim PSA-RP KA

Страница 1: ...A AA G J 0 B 01 0 0 22 02 0 0 0 2 33 1 02 B 1 6 2 02 1 2 0 22 0 22 0 K B C A A H J 3 4 2 22 1 1 2 0 2 0L 1 2 0 0 0 0 B C A A IJ J 1 020 MN 3 2 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 MN 0 C 0 0 2 B 2 0 0 AA B C A FO 0HH 4 1 2 1 1 2 02 0 22 0 P 3 03 P 0 22 H201 2O33 B K A L D Q1 04 20 R H 22 S1 0M0 H201 0 S S 1 1 T 5 HS2 0M 9 0 1 U HS2 1 1S42 H 4 M NONPQRON SN MQRTUNO V VWX YZ _ X Z aY b _Yc _bdW ebf c gh Wibjbk l_ mbj Wn...

Страница 2: ...0 9 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 D 9 Caution D 9 9 0 0 0 00 D 0 0 9 C 9 0 D 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 D Caution 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 9 D 9 0 tions 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 Caution 0 0 After installation work has been completed explain the Safety Precautions use and maintenance of the unit to the customer according to the information in the Opera...

Страница 3: ...utlet B 4 3 6 5 7 1 2 0 0 9 To prevent the unit from tipping over attach the tip over prevention bracket to the wall 1 Tip over prevention bracket A Tapping screws 4 u 10 with washer B The long edge of the unit C The short edge of the unit The tip over prevention bracket 1 is set on the top surface of the unit Remove the tapping screws 2 and then reinstall the bracket as shown in the illustration ...

Страница 4: ...unit ceiling panel or the screw holes for attaching the air outlet duct A The bracket faces up B The bracket faces down I The short edge of the bracket is against the wall II The long edge of the bracket is against the wall 0 5 0 22 5 0 0 2 01 0 0 0 1 5 H 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 2010 0 1 5 H 22 03 5 H can slide up and down Fig 3 4 1 Tip over prevention bracket 2 Tapping screw a 0 b Wall surface material c G...

Страница 5: ...rque N m Tightening angle Guideline ø9 52 34 42 ÀºÁ 6 ºÁ ø15 88 66 82 ºÁ 6 ÀºÁ A Die B Copper pipe A Copper pipe O D mm A mm Flare tool for R410A Clutch type ø9 52 3 8 0 0 5 ø15 88 5 8 0 0 5 0 0 R 0 4 R 0 8 90 0 5 45 2 0 0 Where knockout holes are indicated use a saw blade to cut along the groove Do not cut the hole larger than the indicated groove a Rear surface b Front surface c Knockout hole fo...

Страница 6: ...pes in place 1 Gas pipe insulation 2 Liquid pipe insulation 3 Band 0 0 1 Remove the screw from the air intake grill handle and then remove the air intake grill by pulling it up and forward 2 Remove the tapping screw that holds the pipe support in place and then remove the pipe support 3 Remove the cushions 1 0 1 5 B 0 3 0 unit 7 0 0 3 0 H 2 4 152 0 1520 3 H 0 0 H 3 022 3 c onto the holes in the si...

Страница 7: ...S3 and S1 these terminals are not electrically insulataed by the transformer or other device 0 00 00 0 0 a 4 u 10 tapping screws d Terminal block for indoor and outdoor units connector b Electrical equipment cover e Grounding cable connector c Wiring bands f Bushing for the wire hole H H H Ñ 7 C 2 5 2 7 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 A Outdoor unit power supply B Earth leakage breaker C Wiring circui...

Страница 8: ... the indoor unit electrical 5 C 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 03 Î J 0 0 3 unit control board Ñ 7 C 2 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 A Outdoor unit power supply B Earth leakage breaker C Wiring circuit breaker or isolating switch D Outdoor unit E Indoor unit outdoor unit connecting cords F Remote controller G Indoor unit H Option J Indoor unit power supply K Indoor unit earth ON OFF 1 2 SW8 3 Electric heater For...

Страница 9: ... simultaneously for at least two seconds The function selection screen will disappear momentarily and the air conditioner OFF display will appear Refer to the indoor unit operation manual 9 Select unit number 00 Select unit numbers 01 to 03 or all units AL wired remote controller 07 wireless remote controller Mode number Setting number Refrigerant address 0 15 Mode Settings Mode no Setting no Init...

Страница 10: ... CHECK button twice 3 Set refrigerant address with TEMP button if system control is used 4 Press the ON OFF button to stop the self check A CHECK button B Refrigerant address C TEMP button D IC Indoor unit OC Outdoor unit E Check code F 0 C C SIMPLE PAR 21MAA ON OFF FILTER CHECK OPERATION CLEAR TEST TEMP MENU BACK DAY MONITOR SET CLOCK ON OFF TEST RUN COOL HEAT A ON OFF button B Test run display C...

Страница 11: ...utdoor unit 0 5 B B B 24 5 5 B 1 22 0 3 52 1 LED 1 power for microcomputer Indicates whether control power is supplied Make sure that this LED is always lit LED 2 power for remote controller Indicates whether power is supplied to the remote controller This LED lights only in the case of the indoor unit which is connected to the outdoor unit refrigerant address 0 LED 3 communication between indoor ...

Страница 12: ...for three seconds or press the button to deactivate the maintenance mode 0 0 3 1 0 1 B 0 A 4 5 C B 0 5 5020 0 0 0 0 BB 22 0 3 procedure to start this operation COOL STABLE MODE HEAT STABLE MODE STABLE MODE CANCEL Stable cooling operation Stable heating operation Stable operation cancellation Display A Press the button to select the operation mode Press the button Waiting for stable operation Displ...

Страница 13: ... 3 4 6 93 8 6 4 V 6 93 6 4 5 2 7 6 5 4 9 4 U 0 7 8 8 8 4 7 3 7 4 8 6 5 5 4 2 6 5 2 90 S 0 4 5 4 6 5 2 U 5 8 6 6 4 2 5 S 5 5 2 74 4 5 8 5 5 3 5 5 74 4 2 5 5 6 7 2 5 6 5 7 5 5 6 5 7 4 7 4 5 7 N5 5 4 7 7 0 7 V 7 5 2 4 2 3 2 5 2 6 0 U 9 3 76 8 8 7 24 7 93 6 Q 2 4 7 8 6 2 7 S 3 5 N N574 2 3 93 O 3 4 3 24 7 5 3 90 9 0 2 O 3 4 4 6 S 5 7 76 90 8 N574 2 4 4 5 N 0 6 4 4 7 9 3 24 3 93 2 3 4 9 4 2 8 2 D 8 2 4...

Страница 14: ...S 5 5 2 5 7 0 7 7 5 VWX o dYjlobf _ X Y oYh d lb_ X o ZYob o ho j ho e_ c hoY_Nj c_ dWX o dYjlobf _ X Y oYh d lb_ X o ZYob h j _ 1 Mo e_ c hoY_Nj c_ dWX o dYjlobf _ X Y oYh d lb_ X o ZYob A ObmY_bo abIf l _j Ô u ɺ NbcZYc B VW __bX pob_n o ZYob C MYoYjhbX pob_n o ZYob Mo e_ c hoY_Nj c_ dWX o dYjlobf _ X Y oYh d lb_ X o ZYob 1 i jb_blW lb j X _b l oC_ c b_ W o ZYob O_ m j bmY_bo abIf l _j 2 abj m Y...

Страница 15: ...__bX jYoY_b hoY_Nj c_b ho Wb n h j _ DjY o dYjlobj j ZWYh oYlb_ oYZ l_ C Yjl o j c l YjYWY _Yc b_ W o ZYob W l _jYl C Yjl o j c dWX ho W _ X joiZ l CYdb lYadiCb ho e_ m hoY_Nj c_Ym A Mo e_ c hoY_Nj c_ YZobf _ ll oC B Mo e_ c hoY_Nj c_ YZobf _ l_ a MYoYjhbX jYoY_b hoY_Nj c_b ho j X h j _ VW __bX jYoY_b hoY_Nj c_b ho j X h j _ Hb jYX_ m edi o ZYoYm j _Yc mYe j lbon oYlbjn X E oj hbWn_Y am o _ o d jb...

Страница 16: ...5 Bo YWnaYlb_ m d_ C joiZ m If C X l oYdbe YZ o_ j joiZ dWX e dhY j pbab m If m X l oYdbe aYWXk Y__ m mbj o bWbm j WYabf jYc Yj ɺº O W l N jYWf _Yc _ m _ ÉÌ mm E_ijo __XX b jn do _be_Yc joiZ dYWe_b Z jn YZ o_ijb l _Y YW gj W _Yl c aYW oiIf c mbj o bW id Wn_ c l º º jYWf _b mm W ZYW Lb_ j jY_h c WYc mb Wb CWbdbp _jb _b hY_jbhj_iI Yl oC_Y jn joiZ Y d _ _ c o d j m hbh abjXp lbjn pbchi GWb_k m VWX a...

Страница 17: ... l_ a ÉÊɺº W ZYW VWX do _beb YWnaicj joiZ a YW l _ WCWYo db ËJ̺ _boie_ m d bm joYm øÌÀ JËÏ Q VW _i do _be_YpY NWb_pb o piW oicj _b m j YWnaiX YZ _ c _Ye dWX Yjo ab_ X i b jhb NWb_pb _ie_Yc dW _ Bo Yd Y d _ _ h ËJ̺ lY YWnaicj n k bWn_Yc dY YW_ j Wn_Yc o _bdW e_Y jnI 6 Y d _ j Wn_Yc miGjYc dWX do _beb b VWX o dYjlobf _ X ij h _bd e_Y o ho j miGji h joiZ YmYfnI hW X j b BEW Sb o fb j X l lYd jn do...

Страница 18: ... o Wbpb j X oYlYd ɺ m bh Öºº m Ñ E W _ LR l pdb am o _ Yj_Y j Wn_Y a mW Hba_ kb Yj _k bWYl l lYdYl 8 8Ì Y jblWX j ÌÔ E Y jYX__YpY jYhb edi l lYdbm 8 8É _ j gW hjo hYc aYWXk YmYfnI job_ GYombjYob W doipYpY i joYc jlb S 3 7 P 2 2 Q 5 5 7 O 6 U 6 5 5 2 63 6 6 5 6 4 8 2 P 6 5 7 4 4 7 2 6 8 5 a ObmY_bo abIf l _j Ô Éº b Mo Nhb gW hjoYhYoYZh c OlXah dWX oYlYdYl d MW mm_bX hYWYdhb dWX YdhWI _ X Y d _ j W...

Страница 19: ... jb_k Y__YpY i oblW _ X G E_ijo __ c o ZYo H VY YW_ j Wn_Y J T jY _ h gW hjoY jb_ X l_ijo __ pY o ZYob K Sba mW _ l_ijo __ pY o ZYob K K K K H H H H O k G hbk l_ijo __ pY o ZYob MYm W hj hW mm jY _ hb gW hjoY jb_ X l_ijo __ pY o ZYob dY YW_ j Wn_Y Po Zi j X Tam _ _ Y d _ _ X obaY mb ob o d W j Wn_Yc hYoYZh l_ijo __ pY o ZYob Po Zi j X V ohb o ho W __bX YhYWY hbedYc C m YdhWI _ X dWX l_ijo __ pY _b...

Страница 20: ...m j h_Y hi A F Qµ FTQ PH h_Y hi B Q8 µ Ò BHKVL o BHKZKL id oe lbcj C l j _ o ZW a j Wn_Y dliC hi_d _ o a _ hYWnhY hi_d a_ j _d hbk X l ZYob Gi_hk c _b d W abpYo j X _d hbk X Í E MQ hY_d k Y_ ob lYadiCb A 2 7 2 6 7 Om oihYlYd jlY Y gh Wibjbk l_ijo __ pY o ZYob E Z o j _Ym ob o ZYob Yj ºÉ dY º W l o ZYo 7F Ù oYlYd_Yc iWnj d jb_k Y__YpY i oblW _ XÚʺã ÙZ oYlYd_Yc iWnj d jb_k Y__YpY i oblW _ XÚ H e m ...

Страница 21: ...c ZWYh ÍÏþ _boie_ c ZWYh E MYd oYl oh F Udo ZWYhb O 7 S 5 6 S 4 7 5 6 6 5 2 3 8 6 5 8 5 7 7 7 2 7 5 2 3 4 7 93 4 2 3 7 4 4 24 2 6 66 5 2 3 7 0 7 7 2 4 8 8 7 2 4 6 7 7 S U 24 2 4 8 4 7 Q 4 7 PAR 21MAA ON OFF FILTER CHECK OPERATION CLEAR TEST TEMP MENU BACK DAY MONITOR SET CLOCK ON OFF ERROR CODE ERROR CODE ERROR CODE C C SIMPLE PAR 21MAA ON OFF FILTER CHECK OPERATION CLEAR TEST TEMP MENU BACK DAY M...

Страница 22: ...YX__Y OTV Ì jb_ iWnjb d jb_k Y__YpY i oblW _ X BYhba lb j _bW jb_ X iWnjb d jb_k Y__YpY i oblW _ X Vb__ c OTV abpYob j X jYWnhY l jYm Wi b hYpdb l_ijo __ c o ZYo Yd Y d _ _ h bdo i àºá CWbdbp _jb _boie_YpY o ZYob OTV lXan m edi l_ijo __ m _boie_ m o ZYobm BYhba lb j Y jYX_ lXa m edi l_ijo __ m _boie_ m o ZYobm AZ d j n l jYm jY db__ c OTV m pb j Y jYX__Y R W o ZYo _ obZYjb j dYWe_ m YZobaYm Y W oY...

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