Others: No response
Promotion of waste prevention: 5.4%
Improvement in atmosphere: 6.5%
Reduction of time required for
food to reach the table: 12.0%
Improvement in employees’
attitude toward customer
service: 20.5%
Concentration (%)
Normal air
and pulse
nausea,loss of
muscle strength
to death)
Paleness of
skin, vomiting.
(death in 8min)
stops, death
Creating the best possible environment
for our children to succeed
Children deserve all the help we can give for them to grow
up healthy, happy, and prosperous. No matter how good a
school's curriculum, no matter how positive and enthusiastic
the teacher, a child who does not feel well will have a hard
time learning. The constant flow of fresh air is nowhere as
important as it is in our schools. In classrooms where large
numbers of students are gathered for long periods of time,
carbonic gases have the tendency to accumulate, decreas-
ing the levels of oxygen that are vital for alertness and con-
centration. This is especially true during the winter months
when windows tend to remain closed. LOSSNAY ventilates
fresh outdoor air into classrooms to replenish the supply of
oxygen and expels not only carbon dioxide, but also other
pollutants and odors that inevitably sully the air.
Fresh air
improving the overall quality
of working life
Many office buildings today are heavily insulated air-tight
structures with little or no natural ventilation. The unnatural
environment created by air conditioners without added ven-
tilation is a breeding ground for bacteria. Factor this in with
the accumulation of pollutants and odors in the form of
cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, pollen, dust, and carbon
dioxide, and the necessity of ventilation becomes ever more
apparent. In fact, poorly ventilated buildings can give rise
to Sick Building Syndrome, a malady that is known to cause
headaches, sore eyes, itching, and concentration loss.
This results not only in discomfort at best and sickness at
worst for the building's occupants, but also the reduced
productivity of the workforce. Fresh air, effectively ventilat-
ed throughout the building, is therefore essential to the
overall quality of working life.
A restaurant can never be too clean and
its air never too fresh
The atmosphere of a restaurant is crucial to securing
customers and making them happy enough to come back
for more. Cleanliness is the key to an attractive atmos-
phere and restaurants devote significant effort to ensuring
the premises are sanitary. Sanitation and cleanliness, how-
ever, are not enough. No matter how clean a restaurant
may look, if there are bothersome odors lingering in the air,
all those efforts go to waste and the restaurant's clean
image is tarnished. For these reasons, we invite restaurant
owners to leave the air to LOSSNAY. LOSSNAY's superior
ventilation capabilities ensure that every breath is a breath
of freshness keeping guests happy. LOSSNAY also keeps
owners happy with its remarkable heat recovery technology
that supplies fresh outdoor air with minimal change to
indoor temperature, saving on energy and expense.
If it’s LOSSNAY...
Ventilators work to exhaust stale air and supply fresh,
clean air free of the odors associated with cooking,
cigarettes, and the people working and dining.
Change in room temperature is kept to a minimum during
ventilation thanks to the heat-recovery function.
The ventilators operate very quietly so those in
the midst of enjoying their meals will not be bothered
by any excess noise.
A large array of ventilators is available to match
the layout of just about any restaurant.
Simultaneous forced-air supply and exhaust introduces
fresh, outdoor air into the building,
effectively ventilating even fully airtight structures.
Multiple split-type units operate independently of
one another, simplifying system set up and ensuring a
layout that optimally matches nearly any office design.
LOSSNAY operation can be interlocked with
air-conditioning system operation.
Heat that is commonly lost due to ventilation is collected
and reused thanks to the L
reducing air conditioners’ energy load and
cutting operating costs.
The continuous influx of fresh, outdoor air and the exhaust
of stale, indoor air ensure that the indoor oxygen level is
maintained at just the right balance for comfort and health.
Occupants have the luxury of breathing fresh air at
all times even in highly air-tight buildings.
LOSSNAY's sound attenuation qualities prevent outside
noise from penetrating into the room, helping to
maintain a quiet environment for productive study.
Heat-exchange technology prevents fluctuations
in temperature for significant energy savings
when either heating or cooling a room.
A Breath of Freshness in Restaurants, Offices, and Schools
Improvement in over-
all cleanliness
If it’s LOSSNAY...
If it’s LOSSNAY...
What would you most like to see improved in restaurants ?
concentration and deficiency
1996 Foodstuffs Consumption Monitor, Second Periodic Survey (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan)