1 Overview
The model MT660 is a multi-mode ultrasonic thickness gauge. Based on the same operating
principles as SONAR, the instrument is capable of measuring the thickness of various materials
with accuracy as high as 0.1/0.01 millimeters.
The multi-mode feature of the gauge allows the user to toggle between pulse-echo mode
(flaw and pit detection), and echo-echo mode (eliminate paint or coating thickness).
1.1 Product Features
Multi-mode: Pulse-Echo mode (P-E mode) and Echo-Echo mode (E-E mode). In Echo-Echo
mode, it can test the wall thickness eliminating paint or coating thickness.
Wide measuring range
Pulse-Echo mode: (0.65
600)mm (in Steel). Echo-Echo mode:
V-Path correction to compensate the nonlinearity of the probe
Color TFT display (320×240 TFT LCD) with adjustable backlight, allow the user to work at
worksites with low visibility.
Non-volatile memory can store 100 groups of test thickness. One hundred records max for
each group.
Two AA size alkaline batteries as the power source. Continuous operating period of no less
than 100 hours (default brightness setting). Display Standby and Auto Power Off functions to
save power.
With internal Bluetooth module, it can print test report wirelessly.
USB 2.0 communication port. Online transfer of the measured data to PC via USB.
1.2 Measuring Principle
The ultrasonic thickness gauge determines the thickness of a part or structure by accurately
measuring the time required for a short ultrasonic pulse generated by a transducer to travel
through the thickness of the material, reflect from the back or inside surface, and be returned to
the transducer. The measured two-way transit time is divided by two to account for the
down-and-back travel path, and then multiplied by the velocity of sound in the material. The result
is expressed in the well-known relationship:
Thickness of the test piece.
Sound Velocity in the material.
The measured round-trip transit time.
1.3 Specifications
Multi-mode: Pulse-Echo mode and Echo-Echo mode.
Capable of performing measurements on a wide range of material, including metals, plastic,
ceramics, composites, epoxies, glass and other ultrasonic wave well-conductive materials.
Special transducer models are available for special application, including for coarse grain
material and high temperature applications.
Probe-Zero function, Sound-Velocity-Calibration function
Two-Point Calibration function.
Three working modes: normal mode, scan mode and diff mode.
Coupling status indicator showing the coupling status.