OS Select for DRAM > 64MB
This item allows you to access the memory that is over 64MB in OS/2.
Video BIOS Shadow
This item sets if the video BIOS will be copied to RAM to increase the video
C8000-CBFFF Shadow
These items set if ROMs on an expansion card will be copied to RAM for faster
speed. If you install an expansion card with ROMs, you need to know which
addresses the ROMs use to shadow them specifically.
Advanced Chipset Features
The “Advanced Chipset Features” category includes all the items of chipset
special features.
This category allows you to configure the system based on the specific features
of the installed chipset. This chipset manages bus speeds and access to system
memory resources, such as DRAM and the external cache. It also coordinates
communications between the conventional ISA bus and the PCI bus.
Note that
these items should never need to be altered.
The default settings have been
carefully chosen by your system manufacturer to provide the absolute maximum
performance and reliability.
Integrated Peripherals
The “Integrated Peripherals” category allows you to configure the on-board
device controllers.
The followings describe in sequence all the items of this category.
OnChip IDE Channel 0/1
These item allow you to enable or disable the built-in IDE hard disk controller.
only if you are using higher performance or specialized controller
card instead of the onboard IDE controller.
IDE Prefetch Mode
This item allows your hard disk controller to transfer data to the IDE data ports.