Assigning the RS-422 Serial ID on Quartet-M, Quartet-A-75, Quartet-A-110,
Quartet-M-A-75, and Quartet-M-A-110
1. Remove the power supply from the housing frame. To do so, refer to section
Power Supply Removal and Installation
2. Use Figure 3.6 to locate the ID rotary switch behind the RS-422 ports.
3. Using a small flat-edge screwdriver, identify each frame by setting a unique
address to each. The available addresses are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C,
D, E, and F producing a total of 16 ID assignments. Two Quartet housing
frames cannot have the same address. However, a Quartet frame, a
Symphonie housing frame and a Solo frame can have the same address.
4. Reinstall the power supply. To do so, refer to section 3.3,
Power Supply
Removal and Installation
5. Configure the workstation software to reflect the ID assignments of step 3.
Figure 3.6
Serial ID rotary switch location (Quartet-M,
Quartet-A-75, Quartet-A-110, Quartet-M-A-75, and
RS-422 serial ID assignment rotary switch