Input signal
Output signal
4:3 Pillar-box image Shoot and protect
14:9 in a 16:9 frame
4:3 Image shoot and protect 14:9 in a
4:3 frame
14:9 Pillar-box image in a 16:9 frame
16:9 Image shoot and protect 14:9 in a
16:9 frame
14:9 Letterbox image in a 4:3 frame
16:9 Image shoot and protect 14:9 in a
16:9 frame
16:9 Image shoot and protect 4:3 in a
16:9 frame
4:3 Full frame image in a 4:3 frame
16:9 Image shoot and protect 4:3 in a
16:9 frame
4.7 Using the TS Probing Option
Transport Stream (TS) probing is an option that can be purchased. The probing follows the TR 101 290 specifications
with some exceptions. Note that iControl is necessary in order to visualize the errors. No probing report is available
on the card’s menu.
There are no special settings other than activating the display of errors on iControl. The probing is performed on the
selected input only and PCR measurements are restricted to the selected program only.
Whenever the incoming TS bitrate fluctuates, PCR accuracy errors might be generated. This is
because the PCR accuracy measurement requires a constant bitrate to be valid. This does not
mean, however, that the stream is non-decodable.
The probing is performed only on the first 128 PIDs
PCR measurements are only done on selected program
Only ATSC EIT-0 to 3 are probed
The Unreferenced PID list is updated every 10s. Therefore, a PID that is no longer present in the
stream will disappear from the list after 10s.
PSIP probing is done on ATSC signals only
IRD-3111 |