Brief introduction
Thank you to purchase MC-416 series telephone system. It is the
newly-designed, high-reliability small hybrid system, with all traditional &
popular functions. It has extendable 2,3,4 outside lines and 8,12,16
extensions (MC-416E) or fixed 4lines,16 extensions(MC-416), working
with 1pc key phone(MC-2) and 7~ 15 single-line phones (All ports
available with single line phone and programmed by it).
ain Features:
Can connect 1pc MC-2 Key Phone .
Multi-mode Call Transfer
One touch transfer, Call-transfer by Operator or auto-attendance
DISA , Can re-dial on busy or dial wrong number, Can retrieve a
transferring call.
System programmed and monitored by Key Phone easily.
Built-in 3-duration Out-Going Message (DISA).
Built-in Caller ID function for intercom and outside Line number and
number can be transferred display again and again.. An incoming call
number can be displayed at 5 extensions at same time.
Economical Code auto-route
System can automatically switch to economical route code provided
by different Telecom Carriers . This code
Select a CO Line directly without dialing digit “9” or “0”.
Day/Night Service manually
System can switch Day/Night service by Operator manually, so that in
the daytime all incoming calls can ring at desired extension ,and at
nighttime , can switch to auto-attendance mode.
Flexible Extension Numbering