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P a g e
After connected to SmartLife_XXXX, return back to Mirabella Genio, the APP will
commence the adding devices process
Please pay attention to the screen to determent the cause of the time-out error
If the light never stops
blinking, there could be an
issue with your phone
local network setting, if
you are using IOS 14, local
network permission must
turn on for Genio APP
if light does stop blinking
but is unable to progress to
register on cloud
” it
indicates a communication
error with your router to
our cloud service (need to
check router setting)
please check and ensure
1. You enter the correct
2.4Ghz Wi-Fi name and
2.Your Genio device is in a
location with good Wi-Fi
3. 5Ghz Wi-Fi signal is
turned off on the router
Projector User interface (may subject to change due to software update)
Tap on the pencil icon, for the projector’s
settings page
Device information: You can check the
device ID, IP, Mac address, Wi-Fi Signal
Share Device: share the control of this
projector with another Genio user
Remove Device: remove the device from
Genio APP, so you can reset and pair it
again under new Wi-Fi or new genio