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Connection Preparation for it to be used with the Genio App.
Your phone must be connected to 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi and not to the 5GHz network.
To verify your mobile device is set to a 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi network, navigate to the
menu and click on
In this menu, you will see all the detectable
networks in your area. Connect to the Wi-Fi name that does not end with a 5G /
Refer to the example on the next page.
Once you have confirmed that you have selected the 2.4GHz network, check that you
have a strong WI-FI signal (at least two bars) in the location where the smart device is
to be installed.
If you don’t have at least two bars signal on your phone, then you may need to
reconsider relocating the smart device to a different location or obtain a Wi-Fi
extender to boost the WI-FI signal strength.
Install the APP and register Account
For the best experience, download the "Mirabella Genio" APP to your smartphone
from the App Store or Google Play, Genio APP icon will be displayed after it has been
installed successfully.