7. Usage
MiR Shelf Lift Operating guide (en) 12/2019 - v.1.0 ©Copyright 2019: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Fill in the parameters with the dimensions of your shelf. Each parameter is described
: Is used to identify the shelf type when using it in mission actions.
Shelf type
: Is used to identify which type of shelf that is going to be used.
Bar shelf
are for MiR100 and MiR200 robots, and
Leg shelf markers
are for MiR500
and MiR1000 robots.
Bar length in meters
: Is used to identify the length of one of the side bars of the shelf.
These dimensions are the same as those identified in
Shelf dimension specifications
and define the size of the shelf.
Bar distance in meters
: These are also defined in
Shelf dimension specifications
specify the width of the shelf, defined as the distance between the two bars inner side
to inner side.
Orientation offset in degrees:
Is used to define the robot’s position when docking to
the shelf. A 180 value will make the robot dock in reverse.
Offset X in meters
: Is used to adjust how far forward the robot should go under the
shelf when picking it up. By default, the robot should dock to the center. With a
positive X-offset, the robot will move more forward, and a negative value will move it