4-8. Configuration: System Time
This screen is to set the SNMP-32 card’s system time (Fig. 19).
1. Internet Time Setting
A. Time Between Automatic Updates:
This section is to set a time interval between automatic updates.
B. Primary Time Server:
This section is to set a Primary Time Server for the SNMP-32 card.
C. Secondary Time Server:
This section is to set a Secondary Time Server for the SNMP-32 card.
D. Time Zone (Relative to GMT):
This section is to set the correct time zone for different countries.
2. System Time (Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss):
This section is to set the system time manually for the SNMP-32 card.
Fig. 19-System Time Screen
4-9. Log Information: Event
1. Event
This screen shows a log of events for the connected device (Fig. 20). The log displays the Date/Time of the
event, the connected device and a description of the event. The SNMP-32 card can log up to 500 events. When
the 500 event limit is reached SNMP-32 card will delete the earliest event record and continue logging new
events. The following are the Event list for each connected device.
UPS Event List:
Schedule Shutdown Event
UPS Load Overrun
UPS Communication Lost
Turn Off UPS
AC Power Failed
UPS Battery Low
RPM Event List:
RPM Communication Lost
Outlet On
Outlet Off
Outlet Reboot
Outlet Fault