To change the position in the wheel bracket
of the QR axle bushing we need two 24 mm
wrenches (see picture). In the outside of the
side frame we have to place a washer and a
Grower washer. For the inner part of the frame
we only need a flat washer.
Adjusting the seat depth
To adjust the seat depth we need to undo the 4 bolts that fix the rear wheel
bracket to the side frame. To do that we have to
use a 5 mm allen key and a 10 mm wrench.
Once we have undone the bolts we have to
remove them and gently move the wheel
bracket and the nylon part receiving the
wheelchair handles until the required seat
depth is achieved. Then we introduce the 4
bolts and have them done again. The standard
configuration offers a seat depth of 42 cm.
Following the above mentioned instructions
we can also achieve seat depths of 44,5 and 47
Each time we modify the seat depth we also
have to modify the position of the parking
brake and of the nylon part that receives the
front part of the armrest.
After each modification we have to check that the down axle of the front
fork is at 90º with the floor. We may need to adjust the front fork as explained
Adjusting the position of the wheelchair handles without modifying the
position of the rear wheel bracket
The MINOS GLOBAL wheelchair allows to move the handles of the wheelchair
without modifying the position of the rear wheel bracket. This is useful if we
need to exchange the standard sling backrest upholstery for a rigid backrest
without losing seat depth.
In the same way the postion of the rear wheel bracket can be changed
without losing the seat depth of the chair. This means that we can adjust the
wheel base distance so that we find the right balance between stability and
manoeuvrability for each user.