miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
The input channels are low pass filtered in the
blocks, and then summed into a combined low-frequency
signal. The controls for each
block are similar to those seen in the
blocks in the output channels, but
only have a single low pass filter. (For details on the filter parameters, see
Crossover settings
The gain control blocks set the levels at which the low pass filtered signals from each channel are mixed
together. To set the gain, right-click on the box and use the slider, or type directly into the entry box. Then click
. To turn off low frequency mixing for a channel, simply click on the gain control box to set it to
Note that the mix levels for the speaker channels are normally set 10 dB lower than the LFE channel—see the
application note
Bass Management with the nanoAVR
for full details.