miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
The Export tab initially shows four empty “slots” for filter sets (a filter set is one filter for every channel). Filter
sets are managed with a “drag and drop” metaphor:
To load the most recently generated filter set into the processor, drag the box at the top left (labeled “HT 15
Aug 2105” in the example) and drop it onto an empty slot.
To remove a filter set, click on its name (oriented vertically), drag it from the slot and drop it on the trashcan
icon at the top right.
To load a filter set into a slot that already has filters loaded, first delete the loaded filter set by dragging it
onto the trashcan icon. Then drag and drop the current filter set onto the now-empty slot.
The two main controls here are:
Turn this on to enable the Dirac Live® correction filters.
Output volume
Move the slider to adjust the output volume of the processor. Once the computer is
disconnected, output volume can also be adjusted by an infrared remote control or the miniDSP
smartphone app.