the right to change the terms of its limited product
warranty at any time. Except as specically provided above or as
required by law, the warranties and remedies stated above are
exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied.
Any and all other warranties, including implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and non-
infringement of third party rights are expressly excluded. MINIBATT
shall not under any circumstances be liable to any person for any
special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages, including
without limitation, damages resulting from use or malfunction of
the product, loss of profits or revenues or costs of replacement
goods, even if MINIBATT is informed in advance of the possibility
of such damages. The maximum liability of MINIBATT under this
warranty is limited to the purchase price actually paid by customer
for the product covered by the warranty. Customer’s purchase and
usage of this product is expressly contingent upon the acceptance
of the warranty terms above.
USER MANUAL miniBatt PhoneBOX.indd 11
21/7/17 13:17