Download library file and sample program from following URL:
Also, ensure to download the help file,
this file explains various
functions available for your program.
NXC Method:
Download the library file from following URL, and at the top of your
NXC program file, include it with following directive:
#include "NXTMMX-lib.nxc"
Library file URL:
Ensure to download the help file,
this file explains various functions available for your program.
You can also download sample program from this location, and modify
it to meet your needs.
Current Characteristics
Average current consumption of this device is about 5.0 mA.
NXTMMX can deliver upto 1 Amp current per NXT Motor attached.
Drawing of excessively large current (such as incorrect motors or
stalled motors) will result in internal shutdown until the situation is
I2C Bus address
Factory Default Address: 0x06
Changing the I2C Bus Address:
The I2C bus address of NXTMMX can be changed. To set an address
different from default address, send sequence of following
commands on the command register:
0xA0, 0xAA, 0xA5, <new I2C address>
Send these commands with no break/read operation in
between. This new address is effective immediately. Please note
down your address carefully for future reference.
Instructions for changing the I2C address can be found at:
NXT and EV3
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