Daisy chaining NXTMMX:
If you are daisy chaining upto 5 NXTMMX, you should change I2C
address of all but one NXTMMX.
For example, change the second NXTMMX to address to 0x08, third
to 0x10 and so on. (or something that does not conflict with any
other device address that you are attaching on the same port).
See the 'I2C Bus Address' section above for information on
changing the I2C address.
Install the program on your NXT, attach the NXTMMX to Port 1
(attach only the NXTMMX for which you need to change the
address), and run the program, follow on screen instructions to
select new address and update it.
(With a pencil make a note of the new address on the NXTMMX).
While using this NXTMMX in your program use the new address
(picture below shows where to use the new address in NXT-G
If you are using any other programming environment, the API
reference should indicate where to specify the new address.
If you are daisy chaining 5 or more NXTMMX or other digital
sensors, you may have to disable Pull up resistors in some of the
devices. The Pull up resistors in NXTMMX can be disabled by
installing a special firmware.
For special firmware with pull ups disabled, write an e-mail to
Follow the firmware upgrade procedure mentioned below.
Upon upgrade, the NXTMMX must always be used with a device with
Pull up resistor in it. (e.g. Ultrasonic Sensor)
Upon upgrade, write on the NXTMMX with a pencil that pull ups in it
are disabled.
Theory behind this:
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