Download sample program from following location, and modify to suit
your needs.
Download the sample programs from following location, and modify to
suit your needs. (There is no special API library needed as NXC
supports PID configurations via it’s API).
Tips for Best results
Motor and GlideWheel Encoder directions
For program simplicity, ensure that GlideWheel-M turns in the +ve
direction (as marked on it) when your motor is programmed to go
Using Synchronized Move feature
While using Synchronized Motors in Move Block of NXT-G, place
‘Steering Slider’ such that both GlideWheel’s turn in the same
direction. (Do not place the slider all the way to either side).
If you are using synchronized motors feature in NXC API’s, do not
use extreme values for ‘turnpct’ (do not use -100 or 100).
Motor Speed and GlideWheel RPM
Setting speed to 100 for PF motors results in very high RPM for PF
motors. For best results with NXT, see to it that GlideWheel RPM is
comparable to NXT motor’s RPM.
Using GlideWheel-M in Other Programming Environments
With some differences, the PF motor connected through
GlideWheel-M is compatible with NXT motor. Compared to NXT
motors, the internal load of PF Motors is less and speed of PF motors
is higher, as a result, changes in external load affect the
performance more so than on NXT motor. To account for that fact,
configure the PID parameters of your Motor port based on the load
and environment your robot is operating in.
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