Safety Checks
Follow the sequences outlined below.
Home the Machine
During this operation, the machine will move. Before starting the operation,
make sure any shipping clamps that might impede machine movement have
been removed and nothing else remains to interfere with machine motion. On
Milltronics lathes, the Z axis homes in the center of travel.
Turn main power on.
Press the green ENABLE button to power up servos. Note: If the machine does
not ENABLE, check all emergency stop switches: conveyor, remote hand
controller, etc.
Press F1 (Home).
During the sequence outlined below, the spindle will rotate. If there is a tool in
the spindle (for mills) or if there is a workpiece in the spindle (for lathes), make
sure it is not going to hit anything when the spindle rotates. For lathes, the chuck
guard must be down. If the machine has an enclosure, close the door.
From the main menu:
Press F5 (MDI).
Key in "S" code for RPM followed by RPM value.
Example: S500 = 500 RPM
Key in "M" code for spindle direction: (M03)=CW, (M04)=CCW
Example: S500 M3
Press ENTER.
Press CYCLE START to start spindle, then use manual CW, CCW and STOP
buttons. Note for lathes: You must press the ENABLE button while pressing the
spindle CW or CCW button to enable the spindle to start.
For lathes equipped with
live tooling, make sure
main spindle is selected.
G24 main, G25 turret