6. The pump should pull 25 to 75 mL of agent through (filtration during five seconds); pause for ten minutes,
and then pull the remaining liquid through. A bar graph at the bottom of the display shows the progress of
this operation.
7. After the pump has emptied the funnel, it runs a drying cycle and then the display shows: Fill 100 mL of
Water press start
8. Fill the funnel with 100 mL of sterile water and press START. The display shows: Rinsing
9. The pump empties the funnel and runs a drying cycle. Then the display shows: Fill 100 mL of Water press start
10. Fill the funnel with 100 mL of sterile water and press START. The rinsing cycle is performed as before.
11. Then the display prompts for the funnel to be filled again, for each rinse, for a total of four rinses. When the
fourth rinse has been completed, the display shows: Sanitizing finished—Press start
12. Press START. Remove the funnel and discard it. The display shows: Sanitizing
13. Press C button to go back to the display manual testing. Remove the residual liquid on the Milliflex
9. Maintenance
A. Autoclaving
Autoclave the pump head before the first use and after the last use each day. Autoclave at 121 °C for 30 minutes,
or at 134 °C for 10 minutes.
B. Sanitizing
After each workday, or when the pump is unused for more than a day, sanitize the pump interior, using the
automated procedure provided in Sanitizing.
Sanitizing agents:
• Bleach 250 ppm
• Peraceticacid 0.125%
• Quaternary ammonium
C. Exterior Cleaning
The exterior surface can be cleaned with a soft cloth, moistened with alcoholic solution or a standard laboratory
surface alcohol decontamination solution
D. Calibration
Must be performed by our authorized internal Technician.