MASTER mode commands
XXX is the length of the DMX frame. The possible valid range is from od 001 to 512.
Default: 512
A full DMX frame consists of 512 channels (512 bytes) plus one additional channel for the Start Code. However, it is
not mandatory to transmit the entire DMX universe (512 channels). It can be shortened to any size between 1 and 512.
This way, the refresh rate can be increased.
NOTE: The actual transmitted frame length will always be FLEN + 1 because the Start Code is automatically inserted
at the very beginning of the DMX frame.
XXX is the start address from which the input buffer will be mapped onto the output DMX frame. The valid range
is from 001 to 512
Default: 001
The Click board™ allows sending UART data for only a group of channels within the DMX frame instead of the entire
frame. The start address is the address from which the input buffer will be mapped onto the output DMX frame.
XXX is the length of the input data buffer which will be mapped onto the output DMX frame. The possible valid
range is from od 001 to 512
Default: 008
This is the length of the input buffer which will be mapped onto the output DMX frame.
NOTE: The input buffer mapping boundaries (defined by the SADR and BLEN commands) must fit within the configured
DMX frame length. The parser checks that the parameters of these two commands are within the DMX frame and signals
an error if mapping boundaries fall outside of the DMX frame length.
XXX is a time delay between two consequent frames. The possible valid range is from od 000 to 007 (20ms to
Default: 001
When the DMX frame length is very short, the refresh rate may increase too much, which may result in failure to
communicate with older and slower DMX equipment. This option allows an arbitrary delay interval between two consequent
DMX frames, allowing successful communication with such DMX equipment.
XXX is the duration of the interrupt pulse. The possible valid range is from od 000 to 007. (100us to 1.280ms)
Default: 001
The logic state of the INT pin is LOW when idle. If the interrupt is generated, the Click board™ will trigger a HIGH pulse
and blink the STAT LED with the same pulse duration. The duration of the interrupt pulse can be set by using this command.