Sub Assembly B Reassembly (Motor Section)
Place the turbine raceway upside down on you work surface. Insert
the front turbine bearing into the appropriate hole (as shown). With
the bearing partially inserted, place a small dab of Loctite on the tip
of a needle and apply sparingly under the flange of the bearing.
Press the bearing firmly into the drive ring raceway and let sit.
After the Loctite has cured, center the raceway, bearing side down, over
Hole# 7 in your work block (picture at left). Place the turbine spindle over
the hole in the bearing with the fat side up. Put your Lares assembly punch
in the top of the spindle and press the spindle into the bearing.
Now center the impeller over Hole# 6 in your work block. Place the small
end of the turbine spindle into the impeller (as shown). Using the same
Lares punch, press the spindle into the impeller.
If you did not replace the rear o-ring and vent plug in
, do so now.
Place the rear turbine bearing (40405C) into Hole # 2 of your work block.
Be sure the balls in the bearing are face down. Put the small end of the
turbine spindle into the bearing. Use the Lares punch to press the partial
turbine assembly into the bearing.
Insert the raceway tool into the three holes in the raceway. Carefully begin to thread the
raceway into the motor housing. A good tip is to turn the raceway counterclockwise until
a click is heard. Then begin to thread the pieces together. Once started, thread the
raceway securely into the housing until it bottoms out.
Now insert the two narrow drive rings into the drive ring
raceway 180 degrees apart with your drive ring tool.
Then place the turbine retainer ring over the drive rings.
Make sure the small cut out portions line up with the hole where the allan
screw enters the housing and where the air exhaust ports are (as shown).