5-Tone Section
5-Tone radio ID
What do you expect the radio to
behave after the receiving the
correct code:
None = nothing
Beep & respond = Beep + TX
Leave the rest unchanged except
for First Delay especially if use on
a community repeater increase to
500~ 1000 ms.
When the press the “DIAL”
button on the microphone and 5-
Tone is program on the channel
“0~99” will appear on the Dot
Matrix screen and by using the
up & down buttons on top the
microphone you can select the
correct number /name from the
Please note:
When calling another radio and you would like to identify yourself you need to enter the other party’s number then you own
code In the case of above own number is 77700.
Paging then you enter only the other party number i.e. 77703.
Scan Setup
Switch scan mode on
Select “selected (channel) & Talkback”
Leave the rest unchanged
Do note click unless really needed