8. Communication Setting
Set communication parameters. Enter into ”Comm.”
Enter into “Comm.”
1. Ethernet:
The device can communicate with
PC each other via the parameters you set.
2. Serial Comm:
The device can communicate
with PC each other via the serial port
parameters you set.
3. PC Connection:
Set the password and device
ID so that you can connect the device with
software in PC.
4. Wireless Network
Turn on /off the WIFI
5. ADMS:
Settings used for connecting with
ADMS server
6. Wiegand Setup:
The device can
communicate with other device via the
parameters you set.
1. IP Address:
Modify it if necessary. It cannot be
same with PC.
2. Subnet Mask:
Modify it if necessary.
3. Gateway:
It is necessary to set an address if
the device and PC are in different network
segment. Modify it if necessary.
4. DNS:
Set the address of your DNS server.
5. TCP COMM Port:
Set the TCP communication
6. DHCP:
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,
which is used to allocate dynamic IP addresses
to clients by a server.
7. Display in Status Bar:
Whether to display
network status icons in the status bar.