5. Main Menu
Start the device; press [
] to enter the Main Menu. Press
to scroll the page down.
Function Definition
User Mgt. (User Management):
Add, edit, and delete users’ information, including user ID, name,
user role, fingerprint, Palm, password, user photo and access control parameters.
User Role:
Set the privilege of defined roles, that is, the privilege of operating menu.
Comm. (Communication Setting):
Set the communication parameters between device and PC,
such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, TCP COMM. Port and so on.
Set system parameters, such as date/time, attendance parameters, palm and fingerprint
parameters, reset and USB upgrade.
Set user interface parameters, voice, bell schedules, punch state options and
shortcut key mappings.
Data Mgt. (Data Management):
Delete/ Backup/ Restore data stored in the device.
Access Control:
Set access control options, schedule time/holidays/access group/combined
verification group, set anti-passback and duress options.
USB Manager:
Download and upload attendance data, user data, work code, short message, etc.
With USB disk, you can import data restored in the device into attendance software, or import
data into other devices.
Attendance Search:
It is convenient for employees to search his or her attendance record
restored in this device.
To set printing information and functions (if printer is connected to the device).
Short Message:
Add/check/edit/delete public and personal messages. Set options.
Work Code:
Add/check/edit/delete work code. If this function is enabled, you must select one or
enter an existence work code after verification.
Test whether each module is available or not, including LCD, voice, keyboard,
fingerprint sensor, palm and clock RTC.