42 ArtixScan DI 5230/5240/5250/5260 & ArtixScan TS 540T User's Manual
To browse the settings of your original function
button (in case you do not remember the
settings that you assigned previously), use the
“Load Settings to Function Button” feature.
To do this, select the “Load Settings to Function Button” command from the File
menu, choose the function button to be previewed, and click the OK button.
The saved function button settings are restored to the ScanWizard DI control
panel. You can then continue to use these settings until you need to specify new
settings for the buttons.
How the Scanner Buttons Works
When you finish customizing the function buttons, follow the steps below to carry
out the defined task by pressing the buttons on the scanner. The scan will be
performed in accordance with the designated button function using the parameters
configured in the “Save Settings to Function Button” dialog box.
1. Load the documents onto the scanner's feed tray.
2. Exit the ScanWizard DI.
3. Press the Favorite button on your scanner to activate the function associated
with the Favorite button quickly.
Press the Select button to toggle through the numbers of predefined function
buttons (F1 to F5). When you see the number you would like to use, press
the Scan/Stop button to activate the function associated with that button
Press the button again to cancel the ongoing scanning task if needed.
4. If necessary, specify new settings for each function button. Follow the
procedures (steps 1 through 5) for the “Customizing the Function Buttons”
section to specify your new requirements for the buttons that you wish to re-