Write to USB Memory
Measured data
The J-chip mini receiver create new file when start of measurement and store the measured data.
It can write these measured data to USB memory by press the “WRITE/LAN” button.
Created File :
xx:PC-ID yyy:Serial no.
Ex: PC-ID is 1 and File No. start from 005
Start of measurement
File(’ D01.005’) Open.
(During measurement)
write to USB memory stick
End of measurement
File(’ D01.005’) Close.
File(’D01.005’) write to USB memory stick
Start of measurement
File(’ D01.006’) Open.
File(’D01.006’) write to USB memory stick
(During measurement)
File(’D01.006’) write to USB memory stick
End of measurement
File(’D01.006’) Close.
File(’D01.006’) write to USB memory stick
Information of the receiver
Write the information of the receiver with measured data every time.
Created File :
Written contents
The elapsed date with measuring clock.
The IP address of the receiver.
The name of the receiver.
The version of receiver firmware.
The version of firmware of trigger board.
The version of firmware of power supply board.
The lamp on WRITE/LAN button is blinking when writing in USB fails.
Depend of the USB memory, it might succeed with pushing the WRITE/LAN button again even
writing fails. (It is thought the error of the USB memory itself two or more times when not
succeeding even if it tries.)