The initial setting is „METRISCH“.
6.4.3. Time difference
Your X-SPEED module has an integrated GPS receiver.
This receiver is getting the data of your position as well as
the actual GPS time.
The GPS-Time is a globally standard time and is calculated
as UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).
In order to get the correct real time of your actual position to
be displayed on the X-SPEED you must enter the time
difference between UTC and the real time of you position.
For Austria, German, Swizzerland and Italy the time
difference is 1 in winter time and 2 during the summer time
For all other time zones you can find the necessary time
difference on the internet i.e. at
Fill in the correct time difference in the xspeed.ini to get the
correct real time displayed
The initial setting is „1“
6.4.4. Contrast of the display
You can adjust the contrast of the display in order to offer
best visibility of the display due to the weather conditions
The initial setting is 48. You can enter values between 0
(lowest contrast) and 63 (highest contrast).