The Worlds
Citizens of the Bright Empire of Haskilia long enjoyed
prosperity and contentment. But when the ruthless
Aklorians began invading the kingdom, slaughtering
any innocent in their path, all thoughts turned to
survival. Now, the Haskilian Army is called to defend
its people from Aklorian warriors ravaging
the countryside.
Illumina Castle
From within her castle in the capital city of
Illumina, Queen Lusica governs well, despite
the rampaging war. An occasional visit to her
stronghold will be necessary to restock supplies,
regroup your party, or perhaps have an audience with
the queen herself. But while even the most ordinary
of explorers could handle such basic duties, a true
adventurer might just uncover a few secrets hidden
well within those stone walls.
Illumina Countryside
Beyond the protective walls of Illumina Castle lie miles
of pastoral, rolling countryside. Though once a serene
landscape, the Aklorian forces have transformed the
countryside into a charred battlefield. Simply passing
through the region is unsafe, as travelers must be
ever alert for ambushes.
New Brightwater
Untouched thus far by the war, this seaside village
remains a favorite holiday retreat of many courtiers.
After a harrowing journey through the countryside,
rest at the local inn and stock up on additional
supplies. Be sure to speak with the town’s many
colorful inhabitants; they’re sure to provide
information you may need.
Within the dark
world of the invading
Aklorians lie Cyantine
Citadel, Devil’s
Belch Canyon, and a
number of other alien
locations—dim and
menacing, yet strangely
The Worlds
The Realm of Shadows
This foreboding place is sacred to the anthropomorphs,
a race of half-human, half-animal beings. In this
unsettlingly familiar world, you will unlock the secrets
of Durani-Mo and discover the tomb of Farex Lore.
Take careful note of everyone you encounter. For by
observing them, you might learn something
unexpected about yourself.