the highest output voltage, the highest voltage on intrinsically safe
circuit when safe barrier’s output side is open.
the max. input current, the max. current which could work on
transmitter input terminals.
the max. output current, the max. current on intrinsically safe circuit
which could be got from safe barrier output terminals.
the max. internal capacitance, the internal equal total capacitance
which could exist on transmitter input terminals.
the max. external capacitance, the max. intrinsically safe
capacitance which could be connected with safe barrier output
the max. internal inductance, the internal equal total inductance
which could exist on transmitter input terminals.
the max. external inductance, the biggest inductance which could
be connected with safe barrier’s terminals.
4.3 Installation notes
There is a plastic tube inside the cable, it is used to connect gauge
sensor with the atmosphere. In the installation and operation, please be
sure the vented tube connected with the atmosphere unobstructed.
Please do not jam the vented tube with mud or sand, especially do not
make water or other liquid going through the vented tube.
4.4 The connection of Explosion-proof version transmitter
and safe barrier