“2k2 resistor”
- audio output is shorted to ground via 2k2 Ohm resistor,
function used in some handheld radios for transmission enable,
“Squelch level”
- this a squelch level selection, with lower values usable signal
will be detected with lower signal amplitude. Default value of 1 should be the
best option,
“Channel busy detect”
- This option selects if channel busy is detected by input
signal amplitude (
“analog signal level”
) or with proper packet start detection
“digital detect”
). The second option allows to work with open-squelch on the
radio, but it can lead to some packet collisions. The first option is default and
should be used in most cases,
“Consecutive packet send”
- this option will make your device send all the
packets from TX queue one after another without any delays (
“in bursts”
), or
with TX delay, Quiet time, and channel busy detection between every packet
). The first one is default and used by most APRS devices.
If you are new to APRS or if you are running the device for the first time, you should
change Callsign, Latitude and Longitude field to proper values for your station. These
fields are important. You should also change PTT option to be compatible with your radio
connection. Other options can be left unchanged as default values should work fine.
7.6. Digipeater Tab
“Digipeater on”
– Enables or disables a function of RF APRS packets digipeating,
“Duplicate checking (s)”
– Time in seconds after which the next packet will be
forwarded, if it has the same content as the previous one. This function allows
you to ignore stations, which are flooding the network and also to ignore packets