Next glue on the wings. If using UHU Expanded
Polystyrene glue, apply a small amount to both
surfaces and allow to dry till very tacky before bringing
the two surfaces together.
Check the wings are level.
Use some modelling tape to pull the front and back
down onto the pylon where the wings attach.
Glue in place the two ribs next to the fuselage. These
will help to keep the wings level and add strength to
the mount. Again tape the ribs in place till they dry.
Put a small amount of glue onto the back of the screws
protruding through the undercarriage mount and screw
on the soft rubber tubes. This will protect from
scratched from the screw tips.
Attach the VELCRO® Brand Super Fine Dots to the
fuselage where the battery need to be attached.
This image shows the approximate position of the
battery. But this may vary depending on your receiver
choice and servo setup.