6. Forwarding
The feature allows Internet users to communicating directly with a
computer that resides inside a firewall using Network Address
Translation (NAT) to hide the identity of internal machines from the
outside world.
Virtual Server has the highest priority, port forwarding is secondary.
Port triggering is used to deal with application protocols that create
separate sessions so it is less priority.
If there are some applications on your network the highest priority
application will get the port(s) for communication and the others
will be disconnected and reconnected until the highest one
releasing the port(s).
7. Multiple NAT and Multiple DMZ
Multiple NAT
NAT (Network Address Translation), it allows an organization to
present itself to the Internet with one address. NAT converts the
address of each LAN node into one IP address for the Internet and
vice versa. It also serves as a native firewall by keeping individual
IP address hidden from the outside world.
This deivce provides grouping local IP range access Internet via
more than one WAN IP.
Multiple DMZ
DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) is a middle ground between an
organization's trusted, internal network and an untrusted, external
network such as the Internet. The DMZ is a subnetwork (subnet)
that may sit between firewalls or off one leg of a firewall.
You can set more than one DMZ host in this DMZ parameter to
expose host/server to the Internet.
When the DMZ host is mapped to a WAN IP, please enable the
local host as DMZ host in the DMZ page simultaneously.