For example, the Tx22X transmitter button S2 (in-between the 2 toggle switches) could be used: this
controls R/C channel 4 and the signal is low when the button is pressed.
Power-On Configuration Changes
A few configuration changes can be made without programming. A simple link across 2 of the auxiliary P
pads is used to action the change. This is easily achieved using some needle nose tweezers and, if they are
sharp pointed, can penetrate the receiver's heatshink cover. A change is made by:
connecting the appropriate P pads with the receiver off,
switching the receiver on and observing the LED flash pattern,
removing the connection which is confirmed by a rapid LED flash and then
switching the receiver off.
The changes all toggle (or cycle) the parameter value each time the process is performed. The LED flash
indicates the new state of the configuration parameter. The receiver has to be switched off after the change
as it will be stuck in the rapid flash mode to indicate that the change has been made. If you switch off
before removing the P connection, the configuration is not changed.
This is a summary of the configuration changes that can be made using a jumper across 2 of the P pads.
LED indication
P1/P2 2-fast-flash = reset to saved configuration, or factory setup if no configuration
P1/P3 1-flash - disabled
2-flash = enabled
Cruise Control
P1/P4 1-flash = disabled, stop in 4s after signal loss
2-flash = enabled
ESC Throttle Mode P2/P3 1-flash = centre-off
2-flash = low-off
P2/P4 n-flash where 'n' is the configuration number
P3/P4 1-flash = disabled
2=flash = enabled with battery voltage auto-detect
P2/P4 'Configuration Select' requires further explanation. Each flash count is repeated twice and then
increments to the next, cycling back to 1 when the max (usually 4) is reached. Remove the P2/P4 connection
when the flash count is the configuration you want. Note: any previous programming or power-on
configuration changes (e.g. LVC or throttle centre/low off) will be over-written when a different configuration
is selected and will need to be done again.
Receiver Programming
The behaviour for each MR603 pad (ESC, F or P) can be changed using a bound transmitter. MR603 must
first be put into programming mode and then the direction toggle switch, or elevator on a stick type
transmitter, is used to enter a program sequence one digit at a time. The CPU LED (and LED2 if enabled)
flashes to indicate the value of the current step in the programming sequence. For example, if the current
value is 4, the CPU LED flashes 4 times, pauses and repeats - this is called a 4-flash.
The programming table is large and presented in a separate document (see
which lists all of the functions that may be changed by programming. The table is split into 5 blocks of related
functions each with the same value in the first column.
The table columns contain the program values which must be entered to change a particular function. For
example, to change the throttle behaviour from centre-off (forward and reverse on one control) to low-off
(separate throttle/regulator and direction/reverser controls) the program sequence 1, 1, 2, 1, 3 is entered.
Each digit of this program sequence is taken from the columns, left to right:
1 = ESC Configuration
1 = H1 (there is only 1 ESC on MR603)
2 = Low Off Throttle
1 = Throttle on R/C channel 1
3 = Direction control on R/C channel 3
One function can be changed at a time. The general method is:
Micron R/C,, +44 (0)1653 696008
Micron MR603b 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX Receiver : 6 of 10