Long Gage Strain Sensor |
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 M i c r o n O p t i c s , I n c .
o s 3 6 1 0 I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e , R e v i s i o n A
Figure 9
– Pre-Strain Adjustment
While holding the sensor in position, torque the remaining two set screws on the Active-end of
the sensor. Continue tightening the two screws to a torque of 75 inch-pounds [8.5 Nm].
Sensor Protection:
When installing a strain sensor it is important to consider how to insulate and physically protect
the sensor in order to improve the accuracy and longevity of the sensor. There are many ways to
insulate and protect a sensor depending on the particular installation. One method that may be
applicable to civil structures is detailed here. This method utilizes expanded polystyrene (EPS)
foam insulation and a stainless steel cover shown in Figure 10. These parts are available from
Micron Optics as an accessory.
Sensor Accessories:
os3610 Protective Cover and Insulation Kit (25.4 cm)
Universal Connector Protection Fitting “PF” Kit
This method may not be applicable to all installations due to size or other considerations;
however, the general principles demonstrated here can be adapted for the particular installation.
Figure 10 also shows a Non-metallic conduit and fitting. (Hubbell Part Numbers: G1050,
Figure 10
– Sensor Cover
Figure 11 show the EPS foam insulation that is part of the kit. The insulation is designed to
thermally insulate the sensor from the effects of wind and sun exposure. Notice the “stepped”