Front panel description
On the left hand bottom side of the front panel, you will find the MyAMP logo with
the red “Standby” led located just below.
In the middle of the unit, from bottom to top you will find the 3.5mm headphone
jack, with the IR received just above and a vertical row of 10 leds. The first led, just
avove the IR receiver is the red “Mute” led. Then 8 white leds indicate the volume
level and finally at the top of the row another red led indicate clipping when blin-
king and maximum level when always on.
On the right side of the front panel, from bottom to top, there are 3 control tact
switches “SEL”, “VOL-” and “VOL+”. Three white leds indicating analog input selec-
tion “AN1”, “AN2” and “AN3” are located above the tact switches and then three
other white ones used to indicate digital input selection “USB”, “OPTO” and “COAX”.
Finally at the top of the right side of the front panel a Bluetooth logo is framed on
the left by a red led and on the right side by a blue one. Please read the Bluetooth
paragraph for more details about MyAMP bluetooth input.
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26/06/14 16:52