M ake a C al l
Type a phone number and press the call key to make a call
You can also call a number from the phonebook or call log in the
same way.
Press the up and down navigation keys to change the in-call
M ake an I n tern ation al cal l
On the home screen, press the * key twice, till + displays on the screen.
Enter the desired international code with the phone number and make the
S en d M es s ag es
Me n u
Me s s a g i n g
You can compose a new message or reply to existing messages in the
P h on eb ook
Me n u
P h o n e b o o k
Open Contacts to add and manage your contacts. To add a new contact,
you can type the number from the home screen, press the Left key and
select S a v e to P h o n e b o o k .
C am era
Me n u
C a me r a
Your phone supports front and rear camera modes and video recording
functionality. Press the Left key in camera mode to choose from the
various camera options. Press the OK key to take photos.
N otab l e M u l tim ed ia Featu res
You have access to multimedia features like Image Viewer, Video
recorder/player, Music Player, Sound Recorder, and FM Radio.