P h on e L an g u ag e
Me n u
S e tti n g s
P h o n e s e tti n g s
L a n g u a g e
You can change the phone language according to your preference.
M ob il e Tracker
Me n u
Setti n g s
S e c u r i ty s e tti n g s
Mo b i l e T r a c k e r
You can enable Mobile tracker which lets you receive notifications from
the device in case it is lost/stolen.
P h on e l ock
Me n u
Settin gs
Security settings
Phone security
l o c k
You can lock your phone using the phone lock feature.
Note: The default password to access this feature is 0000 or 1234.
Factory R es et
Me n u
S e tti n g s
R e s to r e s e tti n g s
Use this feature to restore your phone to the factory settings. This resets
all settings to the default and results in data loss, therefore, please take a
backup of all the data before resetting the phone. Default password is
1234 or 0000.
Op eratin g Tem p eratu re S p ecification s
Maximum device operatin g
Device operating temperatu r e
-10°C to 45°C